NCSA - significado y definición. Qué es NCSA
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Qué (quién) es NCSA - definición

NCSA (disambiguation)

National Center for Supercomputing Applications (Reference: org., USA)
National Center for Supercomputing Applications         
National Center For Supercomputing Applications; National Center for Supercomputer Applications; National center for supercomputing applications
<body, World-Wide Web> (NCSA) The birthplace of the first version of the Mosaic World-Wide Web browser. Address: Urbana, IL, USA. [Summary?] (1994-10-27)



NCSA may refer to:

  • National Cadet Special Activities, aviation programs run by the American Civil Air Patrol
  • National Center for Supercomputing Applications, a computer science research center in Urbana, IL
    • NCSA Common log format, a file format for log files produced by web server software
    • NCSA HTTPd, a web server that introduced the Common Gateway Interface
    • NCSA Mosaic, an early web browser instrumental to the popularization of the World Wide Web
    • NCSA Telnet, a software implementation of the Telnet protocol
    • University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License, a free software license
  • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (Bulgaria), a computer science research center in Sofia, Bulgaria
  • National Child Search Assistance Act, a United States federal law enacted in 1990
  • National Cyber Security Authority (Israel), a government organization merged into the Israeli National Cyber Directorate
  • NATO Communications and Information Systems Services Agency, a deactivated agency, formerly within NATO
  • Next College Student Athlete, a company facilitating collegiate athletic recruiting
  • North Central Sociological Association, a regional American professional organization
Ejemplos de pronunciación para NCSA
1. around the country, one of which was the NCSA, which
How the Internet Happened _ Brian McCullough _ Talks at Google
2. created NCSA Mosaic, which later became the Netscape
Bend, Not Break _ Ping Fu _ Talks at Google
3. in the basement of the NCSA at the University of Illinois,
How the Internet Happened _ Brian McCullough _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de NCSA
1. Under Arrest" campaign. ___ On the Net: NHTSA drunken driving statistics: http://www––30/NCSA/RNotes/2006/810686.pdf
2. Under Arrest‘‘ campaign. –– On the Net: NHTSA drunken driving statistics: http://www––30/NCSA/RNotes/2006/810686.pdf Privacy policy | Terms & conditions | Advertising guide | A–Z index | About this site